+49(0)89-90 54 84 55

Why Gudrun Hoehne?

What makes Gudrun Hoehne’s expertise special?

“In 1987 I made my first intercultural experience with Chinese people as colleagues and partners. Later, I lived two years in France and Germany.

In international virtual teams in US companies in the IT industry I experienced the challenges of virtual leadership. This knowledge has become my main training and consulting topic: Boundless collaboration and leadership. Cooperation that overcomes physical distance.

After decades of  professional experience in the industry I have become an independent trainer and consultant quite late in my life. You may benefit from my field experience today.

Only after some further training as a trainer and coach I finally funded the human factor in 2010 with the main goal to support more efficient virtual leadership and cooperation in virtual teams as well as intercultural cooperation.

By chartering a virtual trainer team I grow further in a professional network and keep myslef up-to-date with regard to the cooperation in virtual teams and meetings.”

3 reasons why you should choose me:

1. Personal experience – your security

You can count upon a long personal working experience in and with multinational virtual teams as well as experience as trainer and speaker.

2. Passion and practice orientation for a higher impact

I bring in passion, presence, personal stories and good visual aids for vivid presentations in the training room or on stage.

In my training sessions the participants play a very active part. The virtual room is simulated even in onsite training courses so that the participants understand the real challenges and get ready for change.

3. Modern learning methods for more flexibility in the new workplace

I offer interactive webinars and blended learning via blink.it. Furthermore I can support you by producing e-learning content on the topics virtual leadership and virtual cooperation.

For more information on my e-learning and blended learning offering please see here: Gudrun Hoehne e-learning.

For more information on my webinars please click here: Gudrun Hoehne webinars

Industry experience

  • Globally operating manufacturing industry
  • Automotive industry
  • Pharmaceutical and medical industry
  • IT industry
  • Finance & Banking industry
  • Aerospace industry
  • Logistics industry
  • Consulting industry
  • Public services

For more detailed information on  my customers and references please click here: References Gudrun Höhne.

What can I do for you?

Please contact me to find out if and how I can support you. For an overview of my services please see here: Services Gudrun Höhne